• "Does Price Elasticity Vary with Economic Growth? A Cross-Category Analysis" with Brett Gordon and Avi Goldfarb, Journal of Marketing Research, 2013, 50(1), 4-23. (Lead Article).
(SAS and Stata codes available upon request)
• "A Bayesian Semiparametric Approach for Endogeneity and Heterogeneity in Consumer Choice Models" with Asim Ansari, Management Science, 2014, 60(5), 1161-1179.
(C code available upon request)
• "An Empirical Study of National vs. Local Pricing by Chain Stores under Competition" with Brett Gordon and Oded Netzer, Marketing Science, 2018, 37(5), 812-837.
(Matlab code available upon request)
• "Probabilistic Topic Model for Hybrid Recommender Systems: A Stochastic Variational Bayesian Approach" with Asim Ansari and Jonathan Z. Zhang, Marketing Science, 2018, 37(6), 987-1008.
(Mathematica code available upon request)
• "Modeling Dynamic Heterogeneity using Gaussian Processes" with Ryan Dew and Asim Ansari, Journal of Marketing Research, 2020, 57(1), 55-77.
(Stan codes available upon request)
• "Conversational Dynamics: Discovering When Employee Language Matters" with Grant Packard and Jonah Berger, 2021, under review.
• "Scalable and Interpretable B2B Product Recommendations using Bayesian Co-Clustering" with Xugang Wang, 2019.
• "Intertwined Purchases and Investments: An Indian Buffet Mutually-Exciting Point Process Model for Internet Ecosystem" with Xiaojing Dong and Xiaosong Dong, 2019.
• "Modeling Category Captain Management with Dynamics and Demand Uncertainty" with Oded Koenigsberg.