Yulin Fang is an Associate Professor in the IS Department at City University of Hong Kong. He earned his PhD at Richard Ivey School of Business, The University of Western Ontario in Canada. His current research interests include knowledge and innovation management, globally distributed work arrangements, and social media and commerce.
Yulin has published over 40 research articles in renowned management and information systems journals, including Strategic Management Journal (SMJ), Journal of Management Studies (JMS), Organizational Research Methods (ORM), MIS Quarterly (MISQ), Information Systems Research (ISR), Journal of Management Information Systems (JMIS), Journal of the Association for Information Systems (JAIS), among others. His research on open source software communities won the 2009 Senior Scholars Best IS Publication Award by the Association for Information Systems (AIS). His research on intra/inter-firm knowledge transfer in multinational enterprises was a finalist for the Samsung Best Paper Award and the Carolyn Dexter Award at the Academy of Management (AOM).
Yulin is currently serving as an Associate Editor for several leading journals, including MIS Quarterly, Information Systems Research, Information Systems Journal, and Information Technology & People.
Prior to his PhD, Yulin served in the management / technology consulting industry, specialized in (e-)business strategy, marketing strategy and IT strategic planning. He also provided independent consultancy services on knowledge/Innovation management for Canadian Government and Alcatel Global.
Yulin is a professional case writer, having developed business cases for major technology and financial corporations operating in emerging markets, such as Alcatel China, Google China, Tencent, HK Stock Exchange, and HK Airport.
Research Grant
PI: "Knowledge Sharing through Information and Communication Technology Mediated Social Ties", General Research Fund - Hong Kong Research Grants Council , (2011-2013)
PI: "Sustained Participation in Open Source Software Projects", General Research Fund - Hong Kong Research Grants Council , (2010-2012)
PI: "Understanding Motivations, Participation, and Performance of Electronic Knowledge Repository Contributors - A Longitudinal Study", General Research Fund - Hong Kong Research Grants Council , (2009-2011)
Selected Publications
Journal Articles
Wang, F.X, Fang, Y., Qureshi, I., Onne, J (January 2015), "Understanding Employee Innovative Job Performance - Integrating Social Network and Leader-Member Exchange Perspectives", Journal of Organizational Behavior, 36, 6, 403-420.
Fang, Y., Qureshi, I., Sun, H., McCole, P., Ramsey, E., and Lim, K (2014), "Trust, Satisfaction, and Online Re-purchase Intention: The Moderating Role of Perceived Effectiveness of E-commerce Institutional Mechanisms", MIS Quarterly, 38, 2, 407-427.
Wang, YW., Wang, S., Fang, Y. , Chau, P. (2013), "Store Survival in Online Marketplace: An Empirical Investigation", Decision Support Systems, 56, 56, pp. 482-493.
Lou, J., Fang., Y., Lim, K., Peng, Z. (2013), "Contributing High Quantity and Quality Knowledge to Online Q&A Communities", Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 64, 2, 356-371.
Du, H.S., Yu, H., Fang, Y., Wang, S. (2012), "Empirical investigation of EachNet: The eBay Model of C2C Online Auction in China", IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 59, 1, 160-175.
Sun, YQ., Fang, Y., Lim, KH. (2012), "Understanding Sustained Participation in Transactional Virtual Communities", Decision Support Systems, 53, 1, 12-22.
Sun, YQ., Fang, Y., Lim, KH, Straub, D. (2012), "User Satisfaction with Information Technology Service Delivery: A Social Capital Perspective ", Information Systems Research, 23, 4, 1195-1211.
Zhou, Z., Fang, Y., Vogel, D., Jin, X., Zhang, X, (2012), "Attracted to or locked in? Predicting continuance intention in social virtual world services", Journal of Management Information Systems, 29, 1, 273-206.
Zhang, Y., Fang, Y., Wei, K.K., Ramsey, E., McCole, P. and Chen, H. (June 2011), "Repurchase intention in B2C e-commerce - a relationship quality perspective", Information & Management, 48, 192-200.
Qureshi, I., Fang, Y. (2011), "Socialization in Open Source Software Projects – A Growth Mixture Modeling Approach", Organizational Research Methods, 14, 1, 208-238.
Fang, Y., Jiang, F., Makino, S., and Beamish, P.W. (2010), "Multinational Firm Knowledge, Use of Expatriates, and Foreign Subsidiary Performance", Journal of Management Studies, 47, 1, 27-54.
Colazo, J., Fang, Y. (2010), "Following the sun: Temporal dispersion and performance in open source software project teams", Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 11, 11, Article 4.
He, W., Fang., Y., and Wei, K.K., (2009), "The Role of Trust in Promoting Organizational Knowledge Seeking Using Knowledge Management Systems: An Empirical Investigation", Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 60, 3, 526-537.
Colazo, J., Fang, Y., (2009), "The Impact of License Choice on Open Source Software Development Activities", Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 60, 5, 997-1011.
Fang, Y., Neufeld, D.J. (2009), "Understanding Sustained Participation in Open Source Software Projects", Journal of Management Information Systems, 25, 4, 9-50.
Qureshi, I., Fang, Y., Ramesy, E., McCole, P., Ibboston, P., Compeau, D. (2009), "Understanding Online Customer Repurchasing Intention and the Mediating Role of Trust – An Empirical Investigation in Two Developed Countries", European Journal of Information Systems, 18, 3, 205-222.
Fang, Y., Wade, M., Delios, A., and Beamish, P. W. (2007), "International Diversification, Subsidiary Performance, and the Mobility of Knowledge Resources", Strategic Management Journal, Vol. 28, No. 10, 1053-1064.
Accepted Journal Articles (forthcoming)
Sun, H., Fang, Y. Zou, M. (2015), "Choosing a Fit Technology: Understanding Mindfulness in Technology Adoption and Continuance", accepted by Journal of the Association for Information Systems, forthcoming.
Case Study / Teaching Case
Fung, T., Fang, Y., Wang, H., and Neufeld, D. (2011), "Keda’s SAP Implementation", Ivey Publishing Number 9B11E001, 14 pages; Teaching note number 8B11E001, Richard Ivey School of Business.
Wade, M., Fang, Y. and Kang, W. (2011), "Tencent: Copying to Success", IMD publishing number 3-2274, IMD Business School.
Yin, M., Fang, Y., Compeau, D. (2010), "Google in China (B)", Ivey Publishing: Richard Ivey School of Business, Canada, (Top 15 most popular cases by European Case Clearing House).
Meister, D., Fang, Y. (2004), "Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (Shanghai) - The Internet Banking Project", Ivey Publishing Number 9B04E024, 22 pages; Teaching Note Number 8B04E24, 12 pages, Richard Ivey School of Business.
Meister, D., Fang, Y. (2004), "Shanghai Bell - The Collaborative Product Commerce System (CPC)", Ivey Publishing Number 9B04E023, 22 pages; Teaching Note Number 8B04E23, 12 pages, Richard Ivey School of Business.