院校对比 院校对比


City University Hong Kong
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  • 办公电话:+852 34429967
  • 电子邮箱:yaxuanqi@cityu.edu.hk


Yaxuan Qi received her PhD at the Rutgers University in New Jersey, United States. She obtained a BA in Economics at the Central University of Finance & Economics in Beijing, and a MA in Finance at the Renmin University of China . Prior to joining the Department of Economics and Finance at the City University of Hong Kong, she was an Associate Professor at the Department of Finance, Concordia University, Canada.


Journal Articles


Dongcheol Kim and Yaxuan Qi (2011), "Accruals quality, stock returns, and macroeconomic conditions", Accounting Review, 85, 3, 937-978.

Yaxuan Qi, Lukas Roth, and John Wald (2011), "How laws affect contracts: empirical evidence from Yankee bond covenants", Journal of International Business Studies, 42, 235-262.

Yaxuan Qi, Lukas Roth, and John Wald (2010), "Political rights and cost of debt", Journal of Financial Economics, 95, 2, 202-226.

Yaxuan Qi and John Wald (2008), "State laws and debt covenants", Journal of Law & Economics, 51, 179-207.

Books and Book Chapters

John M. Longo and Yaxuan Qi (2009), "From birth to death: The lifecycle of a hedge fund investment strategy", Hedge Fund Alpha, World Scientific.