院校对比 院校对比


City University Hong Kong
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  • 办公电话:+852 34424446
  • 电子邮箱:Xin.Li@cityu.edu.hk


Xin is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Information Systems at City University of Hong Kong. He has published over 70 papers, including 39 journal papers (30 SCI journal papers). His work has appeared in INFORMS JOC, JMIS, DSS, IJEC, IEEE/ACM Transactions, JASIST, Nature Nanotechnology, Bioinformatics, among others. He has received about 20 external and internal grants as PI and Co-I. He is a member of IEEE, ACM, and AIS.

Research Grant

PI: "71572169", General Program - NNSFC , (2016-2019) , Xin Li; Juan Feng; Chong Wang

PI: "2015A030313876", Open Application - GD-NSFC , (2015-2018) , Xin Li

PI: "11503115", GRF - RGC , (2015-2018) , Xin Li; Patrick Chau; Yubo Chen

PI: "7004287; 7004287; 7003008; 7002898; 7002625; 7002518", SRG/SG - CityU , (2009-2016) , Xin Li

PI: "149412", GRF - RGC , (2013-2015) , Xin Li; Sherry X Sun; Huaiqing Wang

co-PI: "9056003", PPR - RGC , (2010-2012) , Leon J Zhao; Xin Li

Selected Publications

Journal Articles

Xin Li, Kun Chen, Sherry Sun, Terrance Fung, Huaiqing Wang, and Denial Zeng (2015), "A Commonsense Knowledge-enabled Textual Analysis Approach for Financial Market Surveillance", INFORMS Journal on Computing, (forthcoming).

Xin Li, Sherry Sun, Kun Chen, Terrance Fung, and Huaiqing Wang (2015), "Design Theory for Market Surveillance Systems", Journal of Management Information Systems, 32, 2, 278-313.

Xin Li, Mengyue Wang, and T-P Liang (2014), "A Multi-theoretical Kernel-based Approach to Social Network-based Recommendation", Decision Support Systems, 65, 95–104.

Jie Zhang, Yanwu Yang, Xin Li, Rui Qin, and Daniel Dajun Zeng (2014), "Dynamic Dual Adjustment of Daily Budgets and Bids in Sponsored Search Auctions", Decision Support Systems, 57, 105–114.

Xin Li, and Hsinchun Chen (2013), "Recommendation as link prediction in bipartite graphs: A graph kernel-based machine learning approach", Decision Support Systems, 54, 2, 880–890.

Zhu Zhang, Xin Li, and Yubo Chen (2012), "Deciphering “Word”-of-Mouth in Social Media: Text-based Metrics of Consumer Reviews", ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems, 3, 1, 5.

Xin Li, Hsinchun Chen, Zhu Zhang, Jiexun Li, and Jay F. Nunamaker (2009), "Managing Knowledge in Light of its Evolution Process: An Empirical Study on Citation Network-based Patent Classification", Journal of Management Information Systems, 26, 1, 129-153.